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Tarot Services

Tarot assists you on your unique healing journey, diving into your subconscious. As the cards are drawn intuitively, they unveil a personalized narrative, reflecting your emotions, thoughts, and spiritual energies. This ancient practice goes beyond mere divination, offering profound insights that empower your decision-making, clarify uncertainties, and reveal hidden facets of yourself. The Tarot cards act as mirrors, guiding you through self-reflection and providing a roadmap for personal growth. It's a deeply personal experience, where each card becomes a key unlocking the doors to your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. The intent is not to predict the future, but to unlock inner wisdom that resides within you to assist you on your path.

Customized Healing Packaging

If you are looking to improve your overall health and wellness and would like to add on Reiki and/or Tarot to the 6 month program, I will work with you to tailor a package just for you!

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