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Soul on Fire: My Journey to Health Coaching and Reiki

My story: how I started my journey to health, coaching, and energy work

As I welcome new followers, I've decided it's time to peel back the layers and reveal more about myself and the 'why' that propels me forward. Let's begin!


Hello there! My name is Kristy and I'm an integrative nutrition health coach and a reiki master, deeply devoted to health and wellness. Beyond these roles, I'm also a proud mother to an 8-year-old daughter who also doubles as my best friend. My passion lies in leveraging my expertise to guide others on their personal wellness journeys, empowering them to make sustainable lifestyle changes and live their best lives by finding their true purpose.


My journey up to this point has been a fascinating one. While it feels recent, I can't help but think this path has been shaping up throughout my entire life, even if I wasn't fully aware. Some have suggested my experiences could make a great book someday, but for now, I'm focusing on what I'm ready to share with the world. So read on to learn how I started my journey to health and beyond.


The pivotal moment came in 2020, a year that seemed to flip everything upside down for so many of us. Amidst the chaos, I felt a strong connection to something larger and an intense urge to share my knowledge and personal experience. Observing the world's events from a broader perspective, I sensed a deeper meaning and urgency to find my own true path immediately.


But finding that path wasn't easy. Fear was pervasive, and I found myself overwhelmed, often experiencing inexplicable anxiety and panic attacks. It wasn't until later that I realized I was tapping into collective energies as an empath and experiencing emotions that weren't necessarily my own. It was faith that became my anchor, a source of pure love amid the fear and tension that had become part of daily life. It brought me peace and clarity, which is what I want to share with others. Unfortunately, there are certain elements in society that thrive on division and fear, obstructing our true power when unified in love and peace. However, I remain optimistic that love will prevail sooner than we anticipate.


How did I decide to become a health coach and later, a reiki practitioner? For years I had been on my health journey trying to overcome constant sickness, anxiety, undiagnosable allergies, and some additional issues that Western medicine had no answers for. I had amassed enough information and knowledge to be dangerous and when, during the height of the pandemic, almost no one was teaching how to be healthy, how to prevent sickness, and how to strengthen your immune system to give you the best chance at avoiding serious illness, I knew I needed to find my voice.  I knew I needed to be the change that I wanted to see in the world, which was a world where people knew they had the power to heal themselves, where preventative medicine was the standard and dis-ease was the exception. So when I saw the health coach program from IIN pop up in my Instagram feed one day, I jumped at the chance to enroll. If you haven't caught on yet, the purpose of this blog is to start to show that this journey of mine is divinely guided, in some shape or form I'm still learning to understand. When the ad for the health coach program magically appeared (I had been searching for a program for about a year), it just so happened that the stars were LITERALLY aligned in the sky the day I saw it. So if you believe in divine signs, that is probably one of the strongest signs I have received on this journey.


When I started taking the course in early 2022, I felt HOME. This is what has been missing in my life this entire time. Don't get me wrong, I had loved my life before. I had a great job that I enjoyed, a great family life, and amazing friendships, but something was missing. I was missing my purpose, my calling. The more lectures I listened to, the more I knew this was what I was meant to do, I could not get enough! Just under halfway through, I knew it was time to start my business. When it came to choosing what I wanted for a name, I decided to turn within. During a meditation, I saw flames. One day contemplating still how to turn that into a name for my business, the song, "Soul On Fire" by Need to Breathe came on and that was it. I wanted to help others do what I did. To find what lit their souls on fire and reignite that flame within their hearts for their higher purpose in this lifetime.


I started laying the foundation for my business, slowly building my website and getting myself out there on social media. After all, I had counted on this being a 5-year plan, get started slowly, save up money, and then one day make the switch when "the time was right." But again, the universe had different plans for me! Let's just say that it got to a point where I was so uncomfortable in the old version of me, that I wanted to jump out of my skin. Again, I LIKED the old version of me. But it didn't fit me anymore. A few things occurred that I cannot explain any way besides the universe nudging me forward, so I took the leap of faith and started focusing on my business full-time in February of 2023. I had amazing support from my family and friends, which made it a little less scary. Although it was still rather terrifying!

Somewhere in the midst of all of this, I leaned into finding additional healing modalities which led me to Reiki. This is a story all on its own, but for the sake of this post, I'll share how it got started. While trying to figure out my path, I started to again feel there was something more. One evening I attended a workshop where a Reiki Master led us in a group practice. My body lit up like it was on fire! Little did I know I already had the energy coursing through me, however, I needed to learn how to utilize it effectively. This led me to complete my own master-level certification. Being able to tap into this energy for my clients has been a game-changer.


Fast forward a year later and I am growing my business, my ability to share my knowledge is getting sharper and clearer, and my vision for my future is coming into focus. I am finding my tribe and my niche of those whom I need to be a guide for. Yes, a guide. No one knows better what they need in this life to be healthy and happy than YOU. Yet for some reason, we have been taught to outsource this to others who are credentialed, more "knowledgeable". Well, I'm here to guide you back to yourself, back to your power, so you can reclaim your authentic self in this life and live fulfilled. If you made it to the end of this post, thank you!


If you feel you are on a similar journey or are ready to re-ignite your inner flame, let's chat! Comment, like, or send me a private message at


Sending love and light!


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