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Do You Feel the Energetic Shift?

energetic shifts planteary

Can you feel the shift? A lot has been happening since the start of 2024. There have been planetary and energetic shifts the like that we have not seen in decades and/or centuries.  If you are feeling anxious, exhausted, things seem to be crumbling, or perhaps you are feeling the opposite, with a sudden burst of energy and that things are just coming together, then these can all be signs that these shifts are impacting you. Many of us are in different stages of this journey of awakening, which is why it can seem so different for us all.


This month I want to talk a little about what is happening, get a gauge for where everyone is at, and offer support where needed.  So what is happening? To put it simply, we are going through a process of remembrance. Recalling who we are, why we are here, and what the heck it is that we are supposed to be doing. Each of us is divine, choosing to be here to learn our different lessons and what it means to live in the physical world. Our creator wanted us to be able to have these experiences to help us on our soul journey. We came here to play with our reality and learn how to remember our divine nature, along with our abilities to create all that we desire by learning to master our mind and our frequency. It really is supposed to be easy to live the life we want, however, we as humans tend to get in our way by making it so damn difficult. The overthinking, the worrying, the lack of action due to fear, just to name a few. And honestly, it's not our fault. We come here with no memory of who or what we are, that is part of the experiment so to speak. And then once we are here, society and outside forces influence us from an early age that causes us to disconnect even further from our creator and our purpose. Do you ever look at children? They still have some remembrance of what to do. They play, they create, are fearless, and are in awe of everything. Then we program all that goodness right out of them!


So how do we get back there? It is so incredibly simple, but yet, due to all the programming, also so hard.  First, we need to understand that a lot of what we have, or better yet have NOT, been told or taught to mistrust is primarily out of fear or to keep us disconnected from our divine origin. This is the most difficult and heartbreaking step, which some call the Dark Night of the Soul. Letting go of what we once knew and held dear, to listen to the truth that is coming from our heart and our connection to Source. Then, it becomes about changing your mindset, shifting it to one of living in the present, along with shifting our self-talk to love and support. From there, as your frequency in vibration rises, things will start to make more sense, and come easier to you. You will start to attract the next experiences and people in your life to help you on your journey. The magic starts to happen!


I know some of you reading this have some doubts. I'll be honest, I did too! I was like no way. It's not that simple. I mean, how does that even work? But I did the work anyway and as I did it, each time I trusted a little bit more, the things just started to work out. So I was like ok, well maybe that's a fluke. But then it happened again. And again. And again. In my deepest effort to disprove this theory, I did the opposite! And it is LIFECHANGING. Now my goal and my purpose is to share this knowledge with those who are ready and want to make these shifts themselves. Or maybe for you, the universe is doing it for you and you aren't aware of how to navigate these shifts and twists and turns.  Either way, you are not alone. You're not crazy either!


Hopefully, this message brought some peace and clarity for those that needed it. And if you are looking for more support on how to navigate these massive energies and changes coming forth, I am here for you. Schedule your free consult, come in for a reiki or tarot session, or email/DM your questions. You are not alone.


Sending peace, love, and light.

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