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Hello I'm Kristy

I'm Kristy – a wife, mother, daughter, business owner, and holistic health coach/RMT. Following the birth of my daughter, I grappled not only with reclaiming my health but also with the challenge of balancing the demands of being a working mother while striving for an unattainable sense of perfection. Initially assuming that others effortlessly managed it all, I soon realized that was a myth, a legend. Today, I'm driven to share my journey, empowering fellow working women and new mothers to embrace self-love and discover a harmonious, healthy balance in their lives and home.


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My health journey started in my mid-twenties – a time when, on the surface, things seemed alright, but deep down, I was constantly battling illnesses. Despite thinking I was being all "healthy" with what I now know were those deceptively marketed healthy foods, regular workouts, and trying to manage stress, I couldn't shake off those constant health issues. So, I went on a research spree and found out just how much what we eat affects our whole well-being. Trust me, if you're diet consists of mostly "dead" and "fake" foods, you're going to feel lifeless and lack energy as well! I started to do some deep dives on how to change my health holistically. With each new piece of info, I started changing up my diet and trying out different exercises – and guess what? My health started to really improve.


Fast forward a bit, and I dove headfirst into the wild ride of motherhood. My pregnancy brought its fair share of challenges, and my health took a hit. But the real struggle? Trying to bounce back to my pre-pregnancy self while juggling the pressure to be this super "perfect" mom and superstar at everything else. How could I rock the cool mom vibe if I was stressed and dealing with health problems all the time?


So, I reached out for help and found a health coach at work. Our chats were only 15 minutes a week, but they kickstarted some serious progress. Finally, I was feeling more like myself again, embracing being a mom and all-around awesome person.


But hang on, the story doesn't end there. I wrestled with other health issues throughout my life that regular Western medicine just couldn't fix. So, I thought, why not give alternative stuff a shot? I dabbled in things like acu-pressure, meditation, and reiki – you know, those Eastern-inspired things that take a whole-person approach. And guess what? They actually worked!


So here I am, ready to spread the word that a happy, healthy life isn't some far-off dream – it's totally doable, especially when you've got the right mindset. Becoming a holistic health coach? That decision was a total no-brainer for me. With more than a two decades of experience as a leader, coach and mentor from the corporate world, I can now use those skills to help others in a different capacity.  I'm excited to share my journey, wisdom, and a whole lot of care with anyone who's ready to roll up their sleeves and make some amazing changes. Does that sound like you? Well then, let's dive in and get started!

More About Me


"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human SOUL ON FIRE."
~ Ferdinand Foch

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